Monday, April 9, 2007

Baby Blog - 37 Weeks

I am starting to feel like I live at a doctor office/hospital. With all my appointments and the kids check up visits, plus all the unplanned visits to the ER, I feel like never stepping foot in another waiting room. But alas I have a couple more ahead of me :)
I went to doctor for my 37 week check up, it was a typical good news/bad news visit. But the good news out numbers the bad.
ONLY bit of bad news: I have to wait till the 19 before he will induce me. I will be going in at 4:00am (I guess no one told him I am not a morning person :)
Good News:
* The swelling in my foot is gone, I woke up this morning and I could put my shoes on!! I haven't been able to that all week and it has been very cold for just flip-flops.
* I am down 5lbs. Remember my joke that my 7lb weight gain last week was my foot, guess there was more truth there than I thought.
* The reason for the swelling being gone...The baby finally dropped down in the birth canal!! She had her shoulder there before last night. Sometime in the night she moved around and dropped down :) She is head down and ready to go.
* I have dilated 3cm!! They are hoping that I will have her pretty fast after they induce me. I am hoping I am her pretty fast before then :)
* Baby is doing well and hopefully finding her home more and more uncomfortable each day :)

We are so ready to meet our little angel and welcome her into our big loving family.


Tina said...

I hope you have her before the 19th!!

Melissa said...

I can't wait to meet her!!

Perri said...

Trin - so glad you feel better. Now you have some breathing room!