Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I feel the need to brag about how awesome our God is.!!
He has blessed me much more than ever dreamed possible. Daily I look at my family and I am overwhelmed with love for them. My kids are my heart outside of my body. They are all so different, and they bring so much to my world. Gabe is such a wonderful husband and father. Who knew that the weird kid from church camp would turn out to be the love of my life?? I am so proud of him and so thankful for all he does for our family!

Last year was one of the hardest times for us financially. We would struggle every paycheck and never could make ends meet. We had the basics but nothing more and even the basics were a stretch sometimes. We remained faithful with our tithes, even though it was so hard sometimes and God has in turn been more than faithful to us. Last year, mostly the last few months, we were under full attack. All the trouble with our cars and the surprise of a new baby on the way, it seemed like we couldn’t get our heads above the water. But Gabe and I knew that if we were faithful and put our trust in God, He would see us though. I had this peace that this year (2007) would be better for us. I didn’t know how, I just knew God would take care of us, and He has!! We have had money come in the mail and we have been blessed by our church family on more than one occasion. Every time something would happen, God made sure it was covered. Yesterday Gabe was told that he would be getting a raise by the end of the month.

I just can’t believe how much God keeps blessing us. It is nothing that we have done, so we can’t take pride in it. It has all been His hand in our lives!! It is so nice to be His child, I just sit in His lap and He takes care of my family.

How awesome is our God and His boundless love for us!!


Staci said...

Trin, I am so happy for you guys. I know your exact situation. We're coming through a very very rough spot as well, and it was all God! Yay God!!

Melissa said...

He will provide to those who are faithful and you and your family are definitely that!!! I Love You!!!