Wednesday, April 18, 2007

100 Random Things About Me: 26 - 40

26. Anakin was a honeymoon baby. He was the biggest surprise of my life. I knew I was pregnant because I peed 4x more often than I ever had in my life. I knew he was a boy before we ever had an ultrasound.

27. I got pregnant with Stasia when Ankain was 6 months old. Another surprise but not a big one. I knew the week I got pregnant with her, it took 3 weeks for the test to confirm it. I knew she was girl from the beginning.

28. It took 2 years to get pregnant with Sorsha. I also knew she was girl before the ultrasound.

29. I got pregnant with baby #4 when Sorsha was 4 months old. I thought she was a boy, guess you have to be wrong sometime :) She is the 2nd biggest surprise of my life.

30. She is also the only baby we didn’t have a name picked out before she was conceived. No time to prepare :)

31. My water has never broke on it’s own.

32. I don’t have a problem with needles, shots or my own blood.

33. But I cry when the kids have to get shots, cringe every time they are stuck with a needle and would probably go berserk if they ever bled more than a Band-Aid could cover.

34. If something unpleasant has to be done and will most likely cause me pain, I would rather do it myself. I don’t like other people being in control of how much pain I am in :)

35. I double pierced my own ears when I was 16 because I was bored.

36. I find imaginary friends scary.

37. I love to sing and dance and will do so when no one is around. I don’t do it as often as I used to because my kids tell on my silly dancing and laugh at me :)

38. I am afraid of saying or doing something stupid in public and embarrassing Gabe.

39. I love doing stupid, silly things around the house that make Gabe look at me and wonder “Dear God why did you give me her??” I will and have embarrassed myself to tears just to get that look.

40. Gabe and my kids look like angels when they are sleeping. They look so sweet and innocent. I, on the other hand, fall apart when I sleep and look 10x worse when I wake up then before I went to bed. Beauty sleep doesn’t happen for me, it has the opposite effect on me.

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