Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

We had a wonderful Christmas! Gabe has been on vacation all week and it has been so nice not having to be up at any certain if only someone would let my kids know that :)
Anakin and Stasia LOVE school and are counting down the days till they get to go back..they are weird, I know.
I reorganized our bedroom this week and I love the new set seems much roomier and less cluttered. Plus I now have all my craft/scrabooking stuff out, it makes me soooo happy! I was looking through all my pictures and cards today, it made me all mushy. Lots of cards and letters from when Gabe and I were just dating, they made me laugh and cry :)
I can't believe how fast time goes. As I was going through the pictures I was amazed at tiny Anakin was as as baby (he still is tiny, but ya know what I mean...) He is now 10 years old!! Gabe and I were talking the other day that if he gets married and has kids at the same age we did then we will be grandparents in just 8 years!! What were our parents thinking??!!
Anakin had his year in football and he loved it!! He can't wait for baseball season to start. Staisa is also wanting to join the sports field...sigh. She will be playing softball this year. I know where I will be spending my spring/summer :)
Sorsha and Elle love having all my attention during the day. It is so funny to watch them play together. My favorite thing is watching them ballroom dance together, Sorsha is always the princess and Elle is always the prince and they waltz around the living room. It is great!I have some ideas for their room and I will be working on that soon and then I will post pictures. First I have to remove all the crayon art from their walls :)

Well that is all I can think for now...Welcome to 2010!!