Thursday, February 25, 2010


It is that time of the year birthday girls.
First in line is Stasia :)
She turned 9 yesterday...9!!
She picked 2 friends to go out with her for her birthday Saturday. She keeps changing her mind about what she wants to do but I am sure they will have fun no matter what she picks :)
I don't even know where to start on how proud I am of this girl!
Charater-wise she is the most selfless person I have ever met. She thinks of her brother and sisters above herself all the time. She has so much love in her heart.
She is doing so well in school. She made honor roll and all her teachers adore her!
She is crazy scatter-brained, I call her my social butterfly :)
I love watching her grow up and I look forward to all the fun times we have ahead of us :)

Happy Birthday Stasia!! Mommy loves you with all my heart!