Friday, April 20, 2007

Welcome Little Angel

This crazy ride all started last year in Sept.
I had just started working at Subway with Jada. After being there for 2 months she noticed some “symptoms” and she asked THAT question…”Are you pregnant??”
Now my Sorsha was only 6 months old, so of course my answer was NO, not possible. I had a good, logical reason for every symptom:
Late period – I had breastfed Sorsha for the first 2 months and had only one period when she was 4 months old. My cycle wasn’t regular yet.
Nausea – I had a touch of the flu bug going around
Peeing often – bladder infection most likely
Clothes not fitting – bloated because I was going to start my period any day now (see late period reason)
I believed these reasons with all my heart. It was just a coincidence that they were all also symptoms of pregnancy. Jada wouldn’t listen to me and my good logic. She insisted that I take a pregnancy test, I told her that I would, if she would leave me alone after it showed that I wasn’t pregnant :) She goes out that day, buys a test and brings it back to work, she just couldn’t wait. I couldn’t wait to prove her wrong so I take the test. Imagine my shock as I watch that first line just pop right up. Not waiting, no thinking about it, it just shows up. I grab the box to make sure I am reading it right (they might have changed it in the last year, you never know) but no, clear as day, 2 lines = Your Pregnant! I walk into the backroom where Jada is eagerly waiting. As I look into her smiling face, I hand her the test and burst into tears. She hugs me like any good sister-in-law would do, laughs like any evil person would do and holds me as I sob and sob. I pull myself together and then it hits me again … I am pregnant. I realize I have to tell Gabe.
I call him, ask if he is sitting down, he isn’t, I mention that it might be a good idea because I had some news. He wants to take it standing up…so I tell him “We are going to have a baby”
“Are you sure??”
“Pretty sure”
“Are you 100% sure?”
I look at the box and say “I am 99.9% sure”
Gabe holds onto that .1% for another 2 weeks until we got to the Dr and hear the heartbeat. That .1% goes flying out the window, we are going to have a baby.
We tell Anakin and Stasia, they are thrilled. Anakin knows we did this for him because since having Sorsha, he kept asking for a brother, he knew that this was going to be it. Stasia doesn’t care what it is, she just knows she gets another baby :)
The months blur together: Ladies’ Retreat, Men’s Retreat, Mud Bowl, Anakin’s 7th birthday, Thanksgiving, doctor appointments, plus all the joys of first trimester of pregnancy.
Finally we get an ultrasound done…It’s A Girl!
That day, all I could think about was Anakin’s face. He cried and cried when I told him. Didn’t I know that he really, really wanted a brother?? Can’t I fit a brother in there with her?? Gabe and I talk to Anakin about his role as a big brother to 3 sisters, how important that is. Also how special he was, being our only son and the oldest. All this made Anakin feel better but he was “still sad” Over the next month he adjusted to the idea of another sister and began to look forward to her arrival along with Staisa.
More blurry months: Christmas, New Years, 8 year anniversary, Stasia’s 6th birthday, Sorsha’s 1st birthday, more doctor appointments than I can keep track of and all the joys of 2nd trimester. The 3rd trimester brought pre-term labor, a lot of back pain and my discomfort grew each day as we axiously awaited the birth of our baby girl (who still didn’t have a name)
We woke up at 3:30am, April 19th, Thursday morning and arrive at the hospital at 4:00am to be induced. They don’t have a room for us and they aren’t sure when one will open up so they put us in a small “prep” room. They give me the pill to soften my cervix at 5:00am, this is enough to push me into starting labor. They told me they would start the pitocin at 9:00am so I try to get some rest before that. No rest for the wicked and I guess I have been pretty wicked cause there was no sleep for me. At 9 the nurse tells me that they are “stalling” me until they can get me in a room. I am dialated to 4cm and she gives me “whiff” of pitocin. I know at this point that I am having “back labor” and it is no fun at all. Every contraction sends my back into agony, so they give me a shot of pain medicine to hold me ovet until I can get a room and an epidrual. This helps take the edge of the contractions and I get some sleep.
My nurse comes back at 11:30 to tell me they have a room!! I get in my room at 12:00 and an epidrual at 12:30ish. I am now at 7cm. They break my water at 1:00 and 41 minutes later she is born!!
Gabrielle Arwen Matthews enters the world weighing in at 7lbs 13oz and 19in long!! Her little face was bruised and swollen and she cried a lot that first hour. It broke my heart, I felt so bad for her. She was greeted first by Anakin, who had been pacing the floor all morning waiting for her. He felt much better after seeing her and went home with Mamaw and Papaw to take a very long, much needed nap. Mom and dad were here with their crew: Jed, Zach, Derek, Dixie, Chelsea, Dillion and my neice Jessica. Dana and Brandon were also there with us. Bobby and Penny stopped by and shared their wonderful news with us!! I am so excited for them, we serve such an awesome God!!! Congrats Bobby and Penny, we love you and your family is in our prayers!! Melissa brought Stasia by to see her new sister. Stasia was thrilled to meet her, She had been having fun playing with her friends, so she was not worried like Anakin. Faith and Hope were the perfect distraction for her. Thanks so much Melissa for keeping Stasia!! Ben and Jada came up alittle later, soon followed by Lesley, Jenny, and Christine. Thank you all for coming!!
This morning she is a beautiful rosy color, the bruising and swelling are gone!! My little angel has lots of dark hair, she is very alert and content. She has gained an ounce since she has been born. Overall she is doing great!! I feel much better now that she is in my arms and not in my stomach :)
Thank you all for your prayers!


Tina said...

That's AWESOME! I'm so happy for you!!! You have a beautiful family!! Can't wait to see the little princess.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Little Sis !!!

Perri said...

Trin - congratulations on what I hear is yet another beautiful baby! Her name is very pretty too.

Andi said...

We couldn't make it to the hospital this time, so I can't wait to see her!


Melissa said...

Congratulations!!! She is absolutely beautiful