Monday, March 31, 2008


Last night Stasia told me that she wanted me to cut her hair. She wanted her hair short like Maggie's. I was very hesitant to cut it because she has been wanting to let it grow long. But she kept asking, so we started cutting. Sorsha helped. She pushed, pulled, combed hair, climbed on me, and pushed some more. Much to my distress, Stasia's hair kept getting shorter due to Sorsha's "help".
She loves it, I cried...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Little Elle

My baby is trying to walk. I can't express the sadness and pride I feel when I see her standing by herself. She will be 1 next month and I am so sad.
As much as I wanted to get through the first year of having 2 so close, I also didn't want it to end.
She has changed so much and her personality has really started to show. She is serious, bubbly, playful and she has a temper that can flare up with no warning. She loves to dance and wrestle. I don't think she will be one of my girly girls but that's ok, I have 2 of those already :)
She is such a joy to have. She plays 'patty-cake' and 'itsy-bisty spider'. Everytime she figures out how to do something, she gives me this look that says "Aren't I so smart!" It is the cutest look ever. Her jabber just brightens my day. She has our hearts for sure!
I thank God for blessing our family with our little Elle!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Flower

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

"You have a shy personality. You tend to hesitate before trying new things or meeting new people. But once people get to know you, you open up and show the world what you are really all about."

Monday, March 24, 2008

What would your kids do??

Have you ever wondered what your kids would do if you fell, were hurt, unable to move or wake up?? What would they do in that situation?
I asked Stasia last week "what would you do if you found mommy laying on the floor and you couldn't get me to wake up?".
"I would scream really loud in your ear" was her immediate response.
"And if that didn't work and I still didn't move?"
"I would go crawl in my bed a throw the blanket over my head."
"What?! Why would you do that??"
"Because if you were sleeping and I couldn't get you to wake up, it must be bedtime, so I would go to bed."
"But honey, what if mommy was hurt and that's why she wouldn't wake up?"
"Oh, then I would call daddy"
"Do you know his number?"
"Nope, I would look it up in the phone book"

At this point I am feeling very likely to die if I ever get hurt around my kids, so I call Anakin down to see what he would do...

"Anakin, What would you do if you found mommy laying on the floor and you couldn't get me to wake up?".
"I would scream really loud in your ear"...again with the screaming...
"And if that didn't work and I still didn't move?"
"I would jump on your head" (I will never survive if I get hurt around my kids)
"And if that didn't work"
"I would go play, cause nothing would wake you up if that didn't"
"But what if I was hurt and that's why I wouldn't wake up?"
"Oh...I would call dad"
"Do you know his number?"
"Nope" and this point Stasia chimes in with "we can look it up in the phonebook"
Anakin just looks at her and says "you don't even know how to read"
To me he says "I would call Mamaw"
"Do you know her phone number??"

Well at least this is something but not quite what I was looking for. So I keep digging deeper.

"Do you know how to call the Police"
"oh yes, 911" they BOTH say at once.
"well don't you think if mommy was really hurt and couldn't wake up that you should call them??"
Anakin's eyes grew huge and he said "We can do that??"
"Yes, if mommy was really hurt bad and couldn't wake up"

We now have our address and phone number hanging on the refrigerator in case of an emergency. The kids both know this information, but Anakin wanted in to the fridge because he knows he will forget if he had to talk to the police.

Oh and I made sure to tell them, NEVER EVER jump on my head!

What would your kids do??

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Bug

Sorsha's birthday was today. My little bug is now 2 years old!!

It was a Blue's Clues themed party. Complete with a game of blue's clues, with our very own Steve (Gabe) leading the kids around house, searching for clues.
She opened her presents with such great delight! She screamed with joy as she saw what each present was. When she opened her tea party set, the first thing she did was look right at Ben and say "look Ben". We don't know why he was the one she thought of when she saw a tea party set but it was too funny! Next she opened a baby doll from West and Charlene. She squealed and kept saying "open!open!" It was so funny to watch her force feed the bottle to the baby. It is miracle Elle has survived living with that girl.

Jada has a few pics posted on her blog. I will post some more when I get them.

Happy Birthday My Sorsha Bug!!
You are the sunshine of my world!!


Last Sunday was Stasia's birthday. She turned 7. I can't believe how fast she is growing up.
She had a wonderful sleepover party Friday night. She invited 3 of her cousins and 3 friends to stay the night. They played with barbies, put on a concert for Melissa and I, watched princess movies, and stayed up talking and giggling into the late hours of the night.
Saturday night, I took her on a girly shopping trip, just the 2 of us.
We picked out earrings and spent her birthday money on a few small toys. She told me it was the best night ever. (yes, it made me tear up)

Happy Birthday My Princess!
I love you more than words can say!!