Tuesday, August 21, 2007

All By Myself...Again

Gabe had to go back to Wisconsin this week. Thankfully, there are no sick kiddos this week. I miss him so much when he isn't here. The kids get restless without him, especially when the trips are so close together.

Sorsha was standing on a chair in the kitchen Sunday night. She leaned forward and tipped it over, she busted her top lip and her nose. I just can't keep up with that girl!! Ugh, I felt awful :( She had "duck lips" for awhile but she is starting to look alittle better this morning.

I am in the process of getting everything ready for Anakin and Stasia to start school. I always start them Sept, I don't like starting in Aug. Anakin is starting Second Grade and Stasia is starting First Grade. They were walking with Sorsha around the house this morning and I was once again hit with how much they have grown up. When did it happen??
Sorsha and Gabrielle have Dr. appointments next week. Sorsha's is her 18 month visit and Gabrielle's is her 4 months. Last week Gabrielle had to get her shots. I hate that soooooo much. They look up at you, so trusting, so innocent...and then, they get stuck by a needle 3 times!! It's horrible!! It breaks my heart every time :(

Well that's all my ramblings for now, gotta get ready for the day :)

1 comment:

MEAGAN said...

Aww poor Sorsha... I'm glad the duck lips are going away!