Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Plague...

has hit us!
Sorsha is still sick. I was up all night changing sheets and blankets, How much can my poor baby take??
At 4:00am Anakin was next. 5:00am it hit me. Stasia says she doesn't feel well but hasn't been sick yet.
She asked me "who is going to take care of us if you are sick??"

My reply "Gabrielle, she is the only one who isn't sick"

Stasia "but she is just baby, she can't do anything. How can she take care of us?"

Me "I guess I will have to take care of us"

Stasia "how can you? You are sick"

She is very worried that I will not be able to take care of them while I am sick...gotta love the vote of confidence :) Please keep Sorsha in your prayers, I am worried the most about her. I don't want her to get dehydrated. Hopefully this will pass quickly and miss Gabrielle completely.

1 comment:

Perri said...

I hope by now you are all better. At least it seems to be short lived. I feel like passing out masks around here to keep the germs off each other!