Monday, August 13, 2007

My Surprise

was a 1lb box of chocolate covered cherries. It means alot to me that he remembered how much I love them.

We did go on our date Friday evening. We went to Olive Garden, pretty much my favorite place. My food was wonderful, and the company wasn't too bad either :)
Thank you Mom & Dad for watching the kids so we could go out!! You are guys are so awesome, I don't know what I would do without you!!
After we ate, we picked the kids up, went home, put them to bed and then Gabe and I played our WOW game together. It was so nice spending time with him and relaxing :)

Saturday we bombed the house to get rid of our fleas and then we did some much needed yard work around the house, it was starting to look like a jungle.

Sunday we relaxed after church, didn't really do a whole lot. Now all this may seem like a very boring weekend to some, but for me, it is just the way I like it. Staying home and spending time with my family. Ok so bombing the house and the yard work, not so much my favorite thing, but overall it was a very good weekend :)

This morning Sorsha bug woke up at 6:30, the same time she wakes up every day. I go in to get her, and the smell of poo is overwhelming. I look down at her and she has NO DIAPER on!! The poop is EVERYWHERE, all over her, from her hair down to her toes, all over the pack n' play. So after some freaking out, I pick her up and put her in the bathtub. Alittle more freaking out, alot of cleaning, a whole box of baby wipes, and about 30 minutes later she is all clean. I get her out and give her kiss and quickly stuff a toothbrush, with gobbs of toothpaste on it, in her mouth. Just think about it, I'm sure you know why :) Gabe was such a sweety and he cleaned the bed all by himself (and I didn't even have to ask :)

So that sums up my weekend, aren't you glad I shared all that info with you :)


Staci said...

LOL...after being caught in the in-depth, bittersweet reality of having children through reading Andi's blog, I was snapped into the right-on-the-surface, rotten reality of having children by reading this one...I'm having to laugh because as stinky as I bet that was, her big eyes and sweet angel of a grin had to have made you shake your head and POOP...Ahhhh, life is pretty sweet when poop is...ummm...endearing!!

Melissa said...

I'm glad you guys got to spend some time together. That's so important. I love you guys so much!!

Jada said...

yeah that seems like tons of fun. I love that all the pictures of you guys on your blog are taken by such a wonderful photographer. In case others don't know...that's me...i like to brag!!!