Friday, September 7, 2007


What a whirlwind of a week!!

The girls had their Well Baby visits last week. Sorsha weighs 20lbs and is doing great! She is advanced in her physical development and very advanced in her social development. For everything else, she is right on target!
Gabrielle weighs 13lbs and is 24in long. She is right on target for everything. She doesn't do anything early or late, just right when she is supposed to.
2 months ago, the doctor didn't like the size, location, or color of Gabrielle's birthmark so he said he was going to look into by her next visit and we might talk about surgery. 2 weeks ago the top of her birthmark has turned from black to gray. Our doctor was very glad to see this! He said this is a very good sign and it should start to collapse on itself and flatten out. He was very surprised to see it had turned gray so soon, normally he doesn't see that happen until the child is 2 years old. I wasn't surprised, there were too many people praying for it to not flatten out early :) I am so thankful she doesn't have to look at having surgery!!

Elle has finally started sleeping through the night, and now Sorsha doesn't. Any suggestions on how to get a 18 month old to sleep through the night?? We moved Sorsha to a toddler bed so now she can get up whenever she wakes up. We have put the baby gate up in front of her door to keep her in her room, but she climbed over the gate...the girl drives me crazy!!

Sometime this month, Gabe will have to go back up to Wisconsin for a week. I am not looking forward to him being gone again :(

We started school this week and so far, it has gone great! I was very worried how it was going to go this year now that I have 2 little ones to work around. I feel much better after this first week. I can take Anakin and Stasia with me when I work at the clinic Thursday,it just works out so well. I love having my kids with me and being able to watch them as they are learning new things. Of course there are the days when I think it would be nice if I just had to worry about the 2 littles while the older 2 would be in school. Then I always think of all the things I would miss out on if they were gone all day.

Well I think this post is almost too long now so I will stop :)

PS...totally random note: only my first 3 kids names show up as misspelled words...what other way would I spell them??

1 comment:

Perri said...

Trin - until recently the word Blog and blogger showed up as misspelled words on BLOGGER.

I think that the spellcheck is totally random.

good luck in school this year.