Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thank You

to all my dear friends.
Thank you for all your words of encouragement, excitement, and congratulations.
This is one of the reasons I love my friends...always there for me. I don't have to go through anything alone. Through tears and laughter, you guys are always right there with me.

However...I have a confession...

I love practical jokes!

Happy April Fools' Day everyone!!

I love you all!!


Anonymous said...

If you, too, feel 'had' by this, you're not alone.

She called me this morning, crying:

"Gabe.. sweety... I don't know how to tell you this...."

"Okay.." says I.

"But I'm pregnant," she sobbed into the phone.


"Okay.. [pause again] How do you know?" he asks, hoping to blame a faulty Dollar General-brand Pregtastic 3000.

"Because it's April Fools day," she laughs.


Christine, Jason and Baby said...

Wow! I missed all the excitment since I am just now getting to read my blogs for the day. It's actually probably a good thing though as I probably would have cried for you being the emotional one that I am right now. LOL

Sorry you got "owned," Gabe. ha ha

Carrie said...

You know that went through the back of my head, it being April Fools Day and all but wanted to be supportive just in case ;) You little stinker! LOL

Tina said...

That is so funny! You are quite hilarious. But don't forget about the boy who cried wolf. Hee hee hee. Better keep those Pregtastic 3000's handy.