Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Baby Blog

Yesterday was my doctor appt. The baby still has a strong heartbeat and is growing well. I am running out of room (I didn’t need a dr. to tell me that but he did :) What happens when you run out of room?? She is almost in my breastbone, she about 2 more inches. She is so cramped that when she moves sometimes she gets stuck. My doctor said my weight gain is good. I lost 1lb. What the flip?!? How can I be losing weight?? I am huge and the baby gets bigger everyday, but somehow I am losing weight. I don’t understand how that is possible. Dr. Reid said I might be getting a small baby after all, which is good news for me :) Anakin and Stasia are very excited and ask me every day when the baby is going to come out. Anakin swears my belly can’t get any bigger so he knows that it is time for her to come out. Stasia can’t wait to help out with another baby around the house. Sorsha has no clue what is about to her happen in her world. It will be so hard for me to be away from them while I am in the hospital. I try not to think about it because it makes me sad. Well that’s about all the baby news I have for now.

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