Monday, May 5, 2008

Potty Break

Sorsha has been sitting on the potty a couple times a day for several months. She reads, brushes her teeth or jabbers to me the whole time. A few times she has actually peed in the potty. There is much rejoicing each time, but it has been more of a coincidence that it was in the potty.
But today...
She told me she needed to go potty and she actually peed in the potty!! Not because she just happened to be sitting there, but because she knew she had to pee!! I am so excited.

Now I know you may think I am crazy to get this excited over potty time with my third one, but Anakin and Stasia were awful when came to potty training.
Anakin was 4 before he started peeing in the potty on his own. I tried every thing for 2 years to get him to do it. But he just didn't care. Then one day he did and my life was easier after that. Stasia was 3 before she was potty trained. She was grossed out by the whole thing and cried if you even mentioned potty to her.
The fact that Sorsha has been willing to even sit there has been a nice change for me. And now she seems to be catching on to the whole idea at the perfect age of 2. I am pretty much thrilled :)

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