Friday, March 28, 2008

Little Elle

My baby is trying to walk. I can't express the sadness and pride I feel when I see her standing by herself. She will be 1 next month and I am so sad.
As much as I wanted to get through the first year of having 2 so close, I also didn't want it to end.
She has changed so much and her personality has really started to show. She is serious, bubbly, playful and she has a temper that can flare up with no warning. She loves to dance and wrestle. I don't think she will be one of my girly girls but that's ok, I have 2 of those already :)
She is such a joy to have. She plays 'patty-cake' and 'itsy-bisty spider'. Everytime she figures out how to do something, she gives me this look that says "Aren't I so smart!" It is the cutest look ever. Her jabber just brightens my day. She has our hearts for sure!
I thank God for blessing our family with our little Elle!!


Christine, Jason and Baby said...

OH my! I had no idea she had so many teeth! *shock* Awww, starting to walk. It happens doesn't it. :( I don't want William to grow up that fast. Who knows when I will have another. hehe Good thing you don't have 3 girly girls too.

Staci said...

awwwww...i mis my kids at that age sniff sniff...she's soooo beautiful, just like the other 3!!

Melissa said...

She is so are such a wonderul momma...I love you!