Friday, April 17, 2009

It's been awhile...

Yes, I have been hiding from my blog. Sometimes things are just hard to put into words. Maybe it's the gloomy weather, maybe it's cabin fever, maybe it is something else all together, but I have been feeling....blah.

All my kids had their yearly exams a few weeks ago.
Anakin is a staggering (hehe) 49" and 48lbs. (5% on both)
Anastasia is close behind with 48" and 46lbs. (20% on both)
Sorsha is tiny at 34" and 26lbs. (5% on both)
And Elle is 32" and 26lbs (20% HT & 45% WT)

All received a perfect bill of health. They are all right on target for their ages and Sorsha and Elle were advanced in several areas. I am a very proud mommy :)

I will have more to post soon :)

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