Monday, October 8, 2007

Love At First Sight

Normally I don’t believe in “love at first sight” but it happened to me eight years ago….

It all started a month after Gabe and I were married. When I found out I was pregnant I was alittle less than thrilled.

I had a very rough pregnancy with morning sickness 24/7 all 9 months.

The first time I felt him move, I was truly convinced there was an alien in my stomach about to burst out. (long story but 100% true)

I went into pre-term labor at 6 months. The doctor put me on medicine to stop the labor but I had contractions daily for the next 3 months. I was on bed rest a lot.

Finally I hit 36 weeks and they said they would no longer stop my labor, I thought the end was in sight. I then discovered I had dysfunctional labor. My body would start to have contractions; they would get stronger and closer together and then several hours later, they would stop.

I was frustrated; I just wanted to meet this booger who had caused me so much trouble. 11 days before my due date, I started having contractions… again.

24 hours and 45 minutes later, Anakin was born. I had him natural (no drugs). The epidural they gave me didn’t take affect so I was able to experience the whole thing, lucky me :)

Gabe knew he was in trouble the moment Anakin was born and I looked up at him and said “That wasn’t too bad…I could do that again”

I fell in love with my little man the moment I saw him. I never knew how deeply you could love someone you just met until that moment.

Anakin has brought me so much joy over the last 8 years. My heart melts every time he gives me a hug or kisses or curls up next to me on the couch or reaches over to hold my hand as we are walking down the street. Sometimes when I look at him, I still see the little baby they placed in my arms so many years ago.

I thank God He trusted me enough to give me such a precious gift

Happy Birthday My Little Man!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

How sweet. It's so amazing the love you feel for your children...and you have 4 beautiful ones (how could they not be?!?)