Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I've Been Tagged

By Staci...

Q. Are you Single, Taken, or Flirty?
A. Taken

Q. Are you happy with that?
A. 100%

Q. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is OK?
A. No

Q. Have you ever talked about marriage with another person (besides your spouse)?
A. Nope

Q. Would you consider adoption?
A. Yeah

Q. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
A. nope

Q. Do you want someone you can't have?
A. Nope

Q. Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
A. Yes

Q. Do you believe that you can change for someone?
A. Yes

Q. Have you ever broken a heart before?
A. Probably

Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?
A. Olive Garden

Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A. 15%

Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
A. Pizza

Q. What do you like to put on your toast?
A: butter, sugar & Cinnamon

Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A: A picture of me and my girls

Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A. Right

Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A. I gave birth to 4 kids, I don't know if that counts as removing..

Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A. Yes

Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A. maybe

Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A. I don't know...I like my name

Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
A. Black or pink

Q. Have you ever saved someone's life?
A. nope

Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
A. God

Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000?
A. Yes

Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A: it is stupid but good

Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
A: Carpet

Q: Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A. never

Q. Where is the first place you went this morning?
A: mom's house

Q: What can you not wait to do?
A: Buy some post prego clothes (I don't remember the last time I bought clothes that weren't maternity) and Go on a date with my hubby

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Veggie Tales

Q: Do you smile often?
A: Yes

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Yeah, I think so

I tag...Jada

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