Sunday, May 27, 2007

100 Random Things About Me: 51-65

51. This is harder than I thought it would be. I had to take a break to think of more random things :)

52. I talk too much and have been told so.

53. I also listen very well and have been told that more than #52 so I guess it works out.

54. I know in 5 years I will want more kids. It is crazy, I know.

55. I cannot count the number of times I have been called weird and crazy in the 26 years I have been alive but I can guarantee that the number will multiply by 10 before I die :)

56. I enjoy being weird, normal is boring.

57. I love chocolate chip cookies when they just come out of the oven, it’s pretty much my favorite thing.

58. I never knew being a mom could hurt so much, and no, I am not talking about labor. It is watching your heart grow outside your body and outgrow you alittle more everyday.

59. I wouldn’t trade being a mom for anything in this world, no matter how much it hurts.

60. I feel sad and depressed right now and I don’t know why.

61. I love curling up on the couch to watch movies with my hubby. It is probably my favorite pastime with him.

62. I often wonder why Gabe married me.

63. Whatever his reason, I am glad he did :)

64. I should be in bed sleeping right now, not writing silly lists…

65. This is probably my most random list of random things yet…Good-night!


Melissa said...

1) You are not are just right
2) You are a great listener and I love you for that and for your honesty and that fact that you keep my confidence
3) I see why Gabe married you
4) You are beautiful and I love you!

Tina said...

I think all women have moments of being sad or "depressed". It's just hormones...and you have your fair share of those right now, I'm sure. Just keep that beautiful smile and you'll be fine.

Heidi Kellems said...

I can remember going up to camp to "supervise" the both of you sitting next to each other. Both of you were wearing glasses at the time if I remember correctly but no doubt in my mind I remember those dreadlocks of Gabe's. When he went up to sing and just said the words through the whole thing I thought that is definitely weird. Yep you both were meant for each other even way back then. Glad he actually now sings the lyrics than says them. Also glad he got rid of the dreadlocks. Now to get rid of that bush on the bottom of his chin LOL.