Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I blinked again

4 years ago I wrote this post:
And today as I celebrate Sorsha's 5th birthday, I realize I blinked again.
I have been asked why I have such a hard time with birthdays. It isn't because I don't want my kids to grow up. I love watching them grow up, it makes my heart swell with love and pride. I just wish it didn't happen so fast.
My days are so full of doctor appointments, dentist appointments, school, sport schedules, church, shopping ... and the list just keeps going...being a parent takes more hours in a day than I have.
By the time bedtime rolls around and they are all tucked into bed, sleeping soundly and I get to sit down on the couch a take a breathe, I can't help but wonder if I gave them all the attention I could.
Or did I say "go play" too many times so that I could do the dishes, laundry, and cleaning? Did I praise them for their little victories, did I hold them when they needed me, or was I too busy with everything else?
So on their birthday I sit back and look at my wonderful child, that I love more than life itself, and wonder if I have taken advantage of every moment with that child, or was I too busy to appriciate every blessing they gave me?
Sometimes I wish I could slow down time so that I could soak up every moment with them, so that next time I blink I would know I didn't miss a thing :)


Mommafo said...

Oh thanks for making me cry!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trin - I totally relate to this post. Happy birthday, Sorsha! I think the same thing every night I put William to bed. I wonder if I told him to go play too much. I think to myself while doing the dishes and everything else around the house that I wish I could be playing with him instead. In a perfect world, I would spend every moment with him, but I have to work all day then when I come home I have to fix dinner and do the dishes an baths and such. If I were to wait, it wouldn't get done. I am exhausted by the time I get him to bed that I usually go to bed myself at that time too. Ugh! I hate working. I feel like I miss so much. Anyways... Sorry to hijack your post. Just wanted you to know that I relate.
