Saturday, November 22, 2008


As most people know, I read the Twilight series a couple months ago and have been counting down the days to see the movie.
I went saw the movie last night with Jada, Dixie and my Mommy. I loved it!
Sure it was cheesy sometimes and some scenes had bad acting, but it was still thrilling to see the book come alive :)
I pretty much glowed all evening...sad I know, but still true :)

The books are 1,000,000x better but I love the movie too!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I am trying to be ok...really I am, but if I am being honest with myself, I'm not ok.
I tell myself "he isn't himself right now" but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
I tell myself "he doesn't mean what he says" but it breaks my heart.
I tell myself "he still loves me" but it is getting harder to believe that.
I put on my happy face and try to act like my world isn't falling apart, but really I have never felt so scared and broken.
I try to say and do the right things but I am so tired of being bounced back and forth. How can someone who loves me, hurt me this much??

I said this on that day and I still mean it..."I love you, no matter what you have done, no matter what you are still doing, I will always love you!"
Please remember that I love you and come back to us, I need you!!