I love rainbows
Yeah. I like rainbows. Probably not what you'd expect to hear me say. Or type, I guess. Allow myself to explain... myself.
I was just driving home from work on my motorcycle in the lovely indiana 'almost-raining' rain. It was just enough rain to get my lower legs wet, but that's about it. As I approached a clearing soon before reaching Boonville, I saw it. A HUGE rainbow. End to end I could see this thing. I could see in the fields to my right and my left where it 'ended.' I looked for the pot o' gold at each end, but alas.. The rainbow was so bright that I could see colors below the purple (or indigo as I was taught in school.. pff it's purple) I could see yellow and red starting again after the purple.. it was that bright.
I love rainbows. Why? Scientifically, they're wonderous. I think of how it's an optical illusion, how every person sees the rainbow differently at the exact point in space they are in relevance to the position of the sun. How nobody ever sees the same rainbow, but their own rainbow. Deep eh?
So why is it weird for me to say 'I like rainbows' ? In today's world, they stand for lots of things.
Gay rights,
Unicorns, and who knows what else. If I was to wear a shirt to school (when I was in highschool, that is) that said 'Rainbows are teh WIN' I would been beaten up. I would have expected such.
But herein lies my point. Rainbows are not a symbol of gay pride. They are not what the world has made them to be. The Bible tells us thus:
Genesis 9:13-15
13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
As I was riding home, I realized that this world will turn everything that God creates into something that it is not. How many examples of this can we see? This world was not created, it just happened by chance. Human life was not intentional, it was evolution. Human life does not begin at conception, but at the moment the baby pops out. The list can go on.
But as I think of this, I also remember that what the world tells us is stupid, or pointless, or accidental, that God can use for his will. He can take that cancer and use it to glorify His Name. He can use that divorce to show His awesome power. He can use a child's death to bring a heart back to him. He can show a rainbow in the sky as a promise against destruction. But he can also use that rainbow to remind us: Don't turn this world into something that God has to destroy.
I love rainbows.