Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Brave Little Man

I had plans of attending the Ladies' Meeting tonight. I had my food made and everything ready.

Then it happened. At 5:00pm, a scream from the back yard sends chills through me. I run out the door and to the back yard. Anakin is laying on the ground telling Stasia to go get me, he is hurt bad. As I reach him, I look down at the arm he is holding. I turn around and yell "WHOA"!!!
I scoop him up and run as fast as can back to house, trying my hardest not to look at his arm. I call my dad and ask if he can bring my sisters over to watch the kids so I can take Anakin to ER. Dad is here in 5 minutes. He puts Anakin's arm in a sling and off we go.

4 1/2 hours later we are home. Anakin is sleeping now and I will be soon.

This is what his arm looked like before the cast:

He was the bravest boy! He had a great sense of humor. He was pretty much the best patient ever :)
I cried. I can't describe what this did to my mommy heart. It was the most painful thing I have ever gone through and I wasn't brave like Anakin. I held myself together for him but on the inside, I was a mess!
Tomorrow I have to break the news to him that he is done with baseball for the year. I couldn't bring myself to tell him tonight. My poor little man had been through enough and this will crush him. Please keep him in your prayers.


Staci said...

Awwwww! Poor brave boy! Erick and I sure feel this one and we're so sorry his baseball season is over! We're praying!!

Andi said...

So, I just puked in my mouth a little. Maybe more than a little.

Poor kid. Poor Mom. Poor everyone who had to look at that.

Poor me.

Perri said...

I know where Andi gets her weak stomach, because I wretched a little myself. That looks horrible. Hope he feels OK today.

Christine, Jason and Baby said...

HOLY MOLY!!! *gulp* I would have been in histerics. I just had a flashback of a few Easters ago when a little girl competeing in Rachael's gymnastics decided to goof off and her arm/wrist ended up looking VERY similar to that. I was horrified then, I can't imagine what it would do to me as a mom. Poor Anakin! Get well little buddy!

Anonymous said...

omg it looks like two elbows

Melissa said...
