Sunday, March 2, 2008


Last Sunday was Stasia's birthday. She turned 7. I can't believe how fast she is growing up.
She had a wonderful sleepover party Friday night. She invited 3 of her cousins and 3 friends to stay the night. They played with barbies, put on a concert for Melissa and I, watched princess movies, and stayed up talking and giggling into the late hours of the night.
Saturday night, I took her on a girly shopping trip, just the 2 of us.
We picked out earrings and spent her birthday money on a few small toys. She told me it was the best night ever. (yes, it made me tear up)

Happy Birthday My Princess!
I love you more than words can say!!


Melissa said...

I know some time one on one with them is so sweet and she adores it!! You are a great mom and I had fun at the sleep over!

Staci said...

how sweet. i miss her and the rest of you! i love you