Tuesday, February 19, 2008


from my own blog :)

I have been MIA for awhile now because life has been crazy!

So much has happened and I just haven't wanted to blog/talk about it.
To sum up...

I went to see my docotor a few months ago and he put me on 2 different stress meds to help me cope with everyday life.

The very next day, crisis #5 hit and hit hard.

Then there has been a personal issue I have had to carry for almost 9 months ( NO I AM NOT PREGNANT!!) I have lost my best friend. No, she didn't die. I just don't have her anymore and I have been very lost and lonely.

A million other things have been attacking me but I just don't want to go there...

So in other news...

Stasia is having a birthday sleepover Friday night. She is having 6 friends over, Gabe and Anakin are running away. Melissa offered to stay with me and help me with a house of girls for the night. Thank you Melissa, you are a life saver!!

Sorsha will be 2 yrs old in a few weeks and oh how you can tell!! She is whirlwind of attitude/activity/personality/charm. You can't be bored when she around, but you can be drained of anything even looking like energy.

Elle is 10 months old today. Time is flying by with that girl. She can crawl like a pro,stand up, wave and she says momma, dadda and baba (no clue if that is bye or bottle). She blows razzberries, plays peek-a-boo, and claps. She loves her daddy more than anyone and it is too cute to see the things she will do to get his attention.

School is going well with the kids, but I am ready for summer :)


Christine, Jason and Baby said...


Melissa said...

I'll be praying for you!!! This is just a season and this too shall pass